Bob and Ann Bowman |
Ann is captain of the All Saints Guild for the Ladies of Sacred Heart. She is also a Eucharistic Minister, secretary of the Sacred Heart Bowling League, and is a member of Helping Hands visiting three elderly parishioners regularly.
Both Bob and Ann are members of “Life in the Spirit” Friday prayer group. They have hosted a seminarian, Karldy Isidor, from Haiti several times throughout the past two years. They delivered Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets and attended the Fall couples retreat at Subiaco. Bob and Ann are Perpetual Adorers
The Council recognizes the ten knights who died between November 1, 2012, and October 31, 2013 and their widows for their many contributions to the Knights of Columbus.
Martha and Buddy Dixon |
During their 17 years in HSV, Buddy has been involved with: The Pastoral Council and has been its Chairman; Liturgy and Long Range Planning Committees; Headed the Columbarium and Cemetery program; Music Minister; CPID; Extraordinary Minister to the Homebound; Deputy Grand Knight and Trustee for the Council; and numerous other activities for the Knights.
During this time, Martha has been active in the Ladies of the Sacred Heart and as a Eucharistic Minister. She has also been involved in most of Buddy’s projects and made sure that he did things right.