Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Prayer List

  • Dennis Becker
  • Frank Benda
  • Richard Birzer
  • Rob Bower
  • Randy Bussone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Larry Gremillion
  • Bill Janser
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Rick Martinek
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Francis Pope
  • Richard Wille

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Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.
 Father Victor A Bieberle Assembly 2316 prepared and served a Veterans Day meal for about 40 veterans at St Francis House in Little Rock on Monday November 11. Jackie Tomassi prepared home made lasagna and a volunteer group including Father Bill, Gil Duran, Gary and Sharon Joy, Bob Kulas, Pat McGannon, Ed Pawelski, Terry Thiesen and Mike Williams contributed and/or served garlic bread, salad, dessert and drinks. Our thanks go to Terry Theisen for underwriting the meal expenses                                                                                                                                                                                   
Fr. Bill and Volunteers
Fr. Bill and Volunteers

Veteran's Day Vounteers
Veteran's Day Vounteers


More Brother Knight Volunteers
More Brother Knight Volunteers

Randy Schnoebelen receiving the Gavel Plaque and Pin from Pat McGannon
Randy Schnoebelen receiving the Gavel Plaque and Pin from Pat McGannon

Father Victor A. Bieberle Assembly Honors Randy Schnoebelen for Leadership as Faithful Navigator

At a special ceremony, Pat McGannon proudly presented Randy Schnoebelen with the Gavel Plaque and Pin in recognition of his outstanding leadership as Faithful Navigator for the 2022-2023 year. The Father Victor A. Bieberle Assembly expressed its deep appreciation for Randy's tireless dedication and service to both the 3rd and 4th Degree Knights of Columbus.
Randy's leadership throughout his term as Faithful Navigator exemplified his commitment to the values of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. His efforts have been instrumental in furthering the Assembly's mission and strengthening its impact within the community.
The assembly is grateful for all that Randy has contributed and looks forward to his continued involvement in future endeavors.
Assembly 2316 served dinner to about 50 veterans and staff
Assembly 2316 served dinner to about 50 veterans and staff

The Knights of Columbus Assembly 2316 hosted a dinner event where they served meals from Corky's BBQ to approximately 50 veterans at St. Francis House in Hot Springs, AR. This generous event was underwritten by Sir Knight Tom Donnelly. The volunteers who helped make this event a success included Pietro and Jackie Tomassi, Pat McGannon, Mike and Ruth Kerwin, and Terry Theisan.

This act of service highlights the community's dedication to honoring and supporting veterans, providing not only nourishment but also camaraderie and respect.
Volunteers included Pietro and Jackie Tomassi, Pat McGannon, Mike and Ruth Kerwin and Terry Theisan.
Volunteers included Pietro and Jackie Tomassi, Pat McGannon, Mike and Ruth Kerwin and Terry Theisan.
Installation of the 2024-2025 Officers
Installation of the 2024-2025 Officers

On Saturday, June 29th, Father Victor A. Bieberle Assembly #2316 installed its new officers for the Fraternal Year 2024/2025 (pictured above). They are (left to right) Frank Klier (for John Bodin), Faithful Pilot; Bob Kulas, Faithful Purser; Ted Otero, Outer Sentinel; Father Bill Elser, Faithful Friar; Jerry Kordsmeier, Inner Sentinel; Larry Gremillion, Faithful Scribe; Pat McGannon, Faithful Navigator; State Deputy Lloyd Cambre, Conferring Officer; Ed Doyle, Third Trustee; Dave Witchger, Faithful Admiral; John Weidert, First Trustee; Bill Patterson, Faithful Comptroller; Russell Tessier, Faithful Captain. Missing form photo, Randy Schnoebelen, Second Trustee.

The Fourth Degree is the highest degree-level of the Knights of Columbus and it is devoted to the virtue of Patriotism. Our assembly now has almost 200 members and we conduct many patriotic events throughout the fraternal year. The Supreme Council instituted the 4th Degree in the year 1900 and we look forward to celebrating the 125th anniversary in 2025!

Congratulations to the new Sir Knights!!
Congratulations to the new Sir Knights!!

On Saturday, April 14, Assembly 2316 of Hot Springs Village, exemplified 18 new Sir Knights.

Arkansas Master Ken Bohaty Assembly 2316 witnessed a significant event on Saturday, April 13th, 2024, as eighteen new Sir Knights were welcomed into the esteemed Fourth Degree. The assembly, based in Hot Springs Village, celebrated this momentous occasion with pride and honor, further strengthening the legacy of the Knights of Columbus.

The Fourth Degree Knights, also known as the Patriotic Degree, represent the highest degree within the Knights of Columbus organization. They embody principles of patriotism, loyalty, and service, and their exemplification ceremonies are steeped in tradition and honor. In this article, we delve into the significance of the Fourth Degree Knights and their commitment to faith, family, community, and country.

Among the eighteen distinguished individuals, fifteen hailed from Council 10208 in Hot Springs Village, a testament to the vibrant spirit of camaraderie and dedication within the local community. These newly initiated Sir Knights from Council 10208 are:

Frank Klier
Rick Meyers
Dick Hoepner
Walt Miller
Todd Norlin
Bill Serritella
Fred Gemme
Dave Banasynski
Larry Helton
Ron Greiner
John Bodin
Jerry Brandon
John Sutey
Greg Hilbert
Drinnon Hand

Father Bill, State Master Ken Bohaty and the degree team are pictured with the new 4th Degree Knights
Father Bill, State Master Ken Bohaty and the degree team are pictured with the new 4th Degree Knights

Their commitment to faith, service, and patriotism exemplifies the core values upheld by the Knights of Columbus.

The ceremony held special significance as it honored Reverend Father Bill Elser, the esteemed Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish and Worthy Friar of Assembly 2316. Father Elser's leadership and guidance have been instrumental in fostering a strong sense of community and devotion among the members.

It is noteworthy that the members of the degree team, who facilitated the ceremony with precision and solemnity, all hailed from Hot Springs and Hot Springs Village. Their dedication to upholding the traditions of the Fourth Degree and ensuring the success of the event speaks volumes about their commitment to the Order's principles.

As these eighteen new Sir Knights embark on their journey as Fourth Degree members, they carry with them a sense of duty, honor, and service. Their induction marks not only a personal achievement but also a collective reaffirmation of the Knights of Columbus' mission to serve God, Church, community, and country.

In the spirit of brotherhood and solidarity, Arkansas Master Ken Bohaty, the Fourth Degree team and all the members of Assembly 2316 extend their heartfelt congratulations to the newly initiated Sir Knights and look forward to their continued contributions to the noble cause of the Knights of Columbus.


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Largest funeral for Sacred Heart Church was held for Sir Bill Nosek. He will be missed by all. Full Color Corps turned out. Difficult to find the words that describe the friend, the day, the turnout, the funeral. 

Welcome Officers for the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year
Welcome Officers for the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year


The 4th Degree Installation was held in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Upper Hall.  The ceremony went very well with our Arkansas KOC State Warden, Andy Anderson, presiding over the Installation.  Forty-Seven people, to include many spouses, were in attendance.

Immediately following the installation everyone retired to the Church Lower Hall for an "Outstanding Prime Rib Dinner", prepared and catered by Home Plate Restaurant.  Everyone said the dinner was wonderful, the fellowship superb, and they had a very good time.  The festivities ended around 8:30 p.m. 

2023-24 Leadership

Friar - Father Bill Elser
Navigator - John Weidert
Comptroller - Bill Patterson
Captain - Pat McGannon
Admiral - Dave Witchger
Purser - Bob Kulas
Pilot - Tom Conrad
Scribe - Chris Mullvaney
Outer Sentinel - Ted Otero
Inner Sentinel - Jerry Kordsmeier
1st Trustee - Rand Schnoebelen
2nd Trustee - Ed Doyel
3rd Trustee - Tom Donnelly
Color Corps Commander - Gary Wolfer
Membership Chairman - Ed Doyel
Flags Forever Chairman - Russ Harrison

(article contributed by John Weidert)
Congratulations and Welcome Sir Knights!!
Congratulations and Welcome Sir Knights!!

Assembly 2316 welcomed eleven new Sir Knights on Saturday, February 25th, at St. Mary's in Hot Springs. Pictured above, left to right: Ed Pawelski, Greg Farrell, Paul Romo, Bob Montgomery, Mark Lindsey, Bruce Foster, Jerry Kordsmeier, Joe Dunn, Richard Kroetz, Chris Mullaney and Pat Kalisz.