Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Prayer List

  • Dennis Becker
  • Frank Benda
  • Richard Birzer
  • Rob Bower
  • Randy Bussone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Larry Gremillion
  • Bill Janser
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Rick Martinek
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Francis Pope
  • Richard Wille

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Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.
Assembly 2316 had it's General Monthly Meeting on August 25th, 2020.  Here are the highlights from the meeting.  Please click on the website under the meetings tab then meeting minutes for a more detailed report.

Fr. Bill commented on a book, written by the bishops he received in the mail that provided details on the church may or may not do during an election.  He stated he will be putting a summary of the booklet in the bulletin sometime prior to the Election in November.

As always, social distancing and mask protocols were in place during the meeting.  In honor of Jim's tremendous Catholic Service to the Parish, the Council and the Assembly, thirty one Knight's and ten of the Knight's wives were among over Eighty attendees during the service.  The Assembly unanimously decided to send Jim's wife, Libby a certificate of Condolence.

It was noted that Sir Knight Frank Benda paid for the evening dinner and that he will celebrate his Golden Anniversary of 50 years next year on April 1 as a Knight of Columbus.

Assembly 2316 has been nominated to receive the "Large Assembly of the Year Award" for Arkansas 2019-2020.  Former FN, Gary Wolfer, has been requested to send all pertinent information required to the Arkansas District Master validating the Assemblies eligibility.  In appreciation of his work as Faithful Navigator for the past two years, FN Gary was presented a Plaque from our current FN Tom Donnelly.

Gary Wolfer receiving appreciation Award for his great work as FN from Tom Donnelly
Gary Wolfer receiving appreciation Award for his great work as FN from Tom Donnelly

Rick Darnell was the recipient of an Award of Merit for his many contributions.  Not only has he served as the Inner Sentenial for the past two years, he also frequently helped collect meeting funds, check membership cards and usher members into the meeting room.  Not only that, he developed spreadsheets, coordinated the Audio Visual expertise, created documents and was most valuable in assisting the FN in many communication efforts.  Rick is always willing to offer support and any area needed.
First Trustee Gary Wolfer presenting Award of Merit to Rick Darnell
First Trustee Gary Wolfer presenting Award of Merit to Rick Darnell

Bill Patterson was the recipient of the Award of Merit for his service as Color Corp Commander for the last several years.  Bill is rightfully honored by First Trustee Gary Wolfer for his service under Gary's tenure as FN.  Bill has been doing this many years and his duties were many.  He was always available to coordinate funerals, exemplifications, standing guard, processions, assure uniform requirements were met, reviewed venue expectations, led drill and practice sessions and reviewed the many Color and Honor Guard requests from our parish, Brother Sir Knight's family member and of our church.
Award of Merit presentation to Sir Knight Bill Patterson by First Trustee Gary Wolfer
Award of Merit presentation to Sir Knight Bill Patterson by First Trustee Gary Wolfer

An Award of Merit went to Sam Justus for serving as the Faithful Comptroller through no fewer that five administrations.  His many duties included were maintaining records, preparing audits, collecting monies due the assembly, keeping accounts of charges and receipts, issuance of membership cards, notification of supreme relative to Assembly exemplifications, deaths transfers, reinstatements, etc.