Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

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Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.

I know this article is a little long but feel it is necessary to show how very important this issue is.  At the January 7th Council meeting, Gary Wolfer gave a presentation on the following upcoming Symposium which will begin at 8:00 AM on January 25th at the Christ the King Catholic Church in Little Rock.  He has put a tremendous amount of work into this.

Hope you enjoy reading it and I encourage you to participate in any way you can

Johnny Broome




  What if we had an opportunity to create a safer environment for our

Children, Grandchildren, our Friends … in fact Our Community

  What if we could slow the rapid compromise of our families and our

nation by taking money out of the hands of the cartels, the dark side

criminal element? Remember HT and Pornography is a $150 Billion Plus

Criminal Industry. 1 in 5 youths will be approached by a trafficker.


Attending the January Symposium on Human Trafficking and Pornography

allows us to do just that.

We'll take away a new awareness on HT and learn how easy it

would be for our loved ones to fall victim to this sick, perverted industry.

Listen to the Stories from survivors who will share emotions,

desperation, helplessness, despair and their escape.

Learn how best to inform our children, grandchildren, friends and

community about HT and Pornography.

We'll have access to materials, subject matter experts, take-aways,

etc. that address HT and Pornography addictions.

Let's pull together on this one. We're Knights and we can really make a

difference for our loved one. Register and show up for this free symposium. So

little time for so much in return.

I will meet my carpool Brother's at 5:00 am on the 25th.  I must be at the meeting site, Christ the King CC, Little Rock, at 6:15 am to do some set up/registration work.  Note: I will personally have a full car at that time. 

My 5:00 am meet time is earlier than need be for the typical registrant. I would suggest those persons wishing to carpool meet in the small strip mall just outside the East Gate at 6:15 - 6:30. This should put them in the CTK parking lot by 7:30, the start of the "Breakfast" session. 

The meeting is scheduled to open at 8:00 am.  The Bishop will have some opening comments/a pre-meeting prayer at that time.  As a reminder, this meeting is open to "ALL".  There is NO fee to attend.  We have subject matter experts as guest speakers and for consultation.  Political and social advocates, religious and community leaders will be in attendance, as will, representatives from the United Nations, FBI, Department of Homeland Security and cyber specialists.  Reference material will be available from industry professionals/experts via kiosk/table arrangements.  A brochure with agenda and a note pad will be provided at Check-In.  Any questions, please call or text: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Ph.  501-204-1192

 Looking forward to seeing you there!!!

Gary Wolfer


January 25th Symposium: Addressing the Dangers of Human Trafficking and Pornography in Arkansas

On January 25th, a critical symposium will be held in Arkansas to raise awareness about the growing threats of human trafficking and pornography, which have increasingly affected communities across the state. This important event will focus on understanding these issues, identifying their dangers, and discussing ways to combat them effectively at local, state, and national levels.

Human Trafficking: A Growing Crisis

Human trafficking is a pervasive issue that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. In Arkansas, like many other states, traffickers prey on vulnerable individuals, often luring them with promises of employment or a better life, only to exploit them for forced labor or sexual purposes.

The symposium will bring together experts, law enforcement officials, and advocacy groups to discuss the various forms of trafficking seen in Arkansas—such as sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and the ways in which traffickers use technology to manipulate victims. Attendees will learn about the warning signs of trafficking and how to intervene safely and effectively.

Statewide statistics have shown an alarming increase in trafficking cases in recent years, and experts will emphasize the need for collaboration between local communities, law enforcement, and non-profit organizations to create a stronger network of support and resources for victims. Highlighting success stories from other parts of the country, the symposium will stress the importance of coordinated efforts in tackling this growing issue.

The Dark Side of Pornography

Pornography's prevalence in society has rapidly escalated, especially with the rise of the internet and smartphones. What was once a taboo subject is now a normal part of many individuals' lives, with younger audiences often exposed to it at increasingly younger ages. The symposium will delve into how pornography can fuel human trafficking, normalize sexual exploitation, and harm both individuals and society.

Experts in psychology and social work will explore the correlation between pornography consumption and the broader societal issues it breeds, including objectification, addiction, and the increased demand for trafficking. By discussing these connections, the symposium aims to inspire change and foster healthier attitudes toward sexuality, relationships, and the exploitation of individuals.

Legal and Legislative Response

Arkansas lawmakers have taken steps to address both human trafficking and pornography, but challenges remain. During the symposium, state legislators will speak on existing legal frameworks, current efforts to combat trafficking, and possible policy changes needed to make Arkansas a safer place for residents. Attendees will hear about recent legal victories, as well as the ongoing work to improve support services for victims.

The symposium will also discuss the role of schools and community organizations in educating the public about the dangers of trafficking and pornography. Many of these initiatives aim to empower individuals, especially young people, with the tools and knowledge necessary to identify and avoid exploitation.

Healing and Prevention

While prevention and intervention are critical, the symposium will also spotlight the importance of recovery for trafficking victims and individuals affected by pornography addiction. Representatives from survivor advocacy groups will share their insights on how rehabilitation programs, mental health support, and community reintegration efforts can help victims rebuild their lives.

Programs designed to educate individuals about healthy relationships, consent, and personal boundaries will also be discussed as essential tools for preventing exploitation before it occurs. The symposium will emphasize that prevention efforts must start at a grassroots level, with communities actively engaged in raising awareness and taking action.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The January 25th symposium aims to educate, inspire, and unite people from all walks of life to take a stand against the dangers of human trafficking and pornography. By fostering collaboration between law enforcement, legislators, survivors, and advocacy groups, the event will serve as a catalyst for further efforts to protect Arkansas' vulnerable populations.

Attendees will leave the symposium equipped with practical knowledge, resources, and a renewed sense of urgency to address these critical issues. As the dangers of human trafficking and pornography continue to evolve, this event marks an important step in ensuring a safer and more informed future for Arkansas residents.