Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Knight's Site Search

Prayer List

  • Dennis Becker
  • Frank Benda
  • Richard Birzer
  • Rob Bower
  • Randy Bussone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Larry Gremillion
  • Bill Janser
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Rick Martinek
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Francis Pope
  • Richard Wille
Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.

(Article submitted by Fran Boudreaux, Tour Director.)

The group from Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Hot Springs Village, Monsignor Bernard Malone, Pastor and the Church of Our Lady of the Nativity in New Iberia, Louisiana, Father Michael Arnaud, Pastor, bonded together to form lasting memories and friendships during the November 9-22 trip.  Pilgrims from Sacred Heart included: Mary Anne and Bob Honzik; Kathleen and Dave Witchger; Carol Cruz and granddaughter Amanda; Marjorie and Tom Thornton; Valerie and Bill Hartnett; Sheila Rhoades; Mary Costello; Sandy and Ted Otero; Dawn Heverly and daughter Kelly Barz; and, Fran Boudreaux Pilgrimage Planner and Director.

Pictured with Monsignor Malone are knights (l-r) Tom Thornton, Bob Honzik, Dave Witchger, Bill Hartnett, and Ted Otero.

Highlights of the pilgrimage to Portugal and Italy, under the direction of Fran Boudreaux of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church included spirituality and fun. In Portugal, the group visited the Cathedral and renewed baptismal vows at the Holy Water Font where St. Anthony was baptized before visiting the site of his birth. (St. Anthony was born in Lisbon and died in Padua Italy) I might add that St. Anthony was summoned many times for lost items and help  on  the trip.  He answered.

The day began there with complimentary coffee and pastries at a fashionable "must do" coffee house in Lisbon.  The group enjoyed a  panorama sightseeing tour of the beautiful city before the next important stop, Santarem, site of the third Eucharistic Miracle, in the Church of the Holy Miracle where Monsignor Malone and Father Arnaud celebrated Mass.  The group continued to Fatima. The visit in Fatima offered the following special events:  Visit of the homes of the three Shepherd children, church where they attended and were baptized, the Basilica, site of their burial, the Cova da Iria, site of Apparitions with a private Mass here celebrated by the two spiritual leaders. The group participated in the Candlelight procession with pre-arrangements having been made for the group leading the fourth decade of the most Holy Rosary, representing English speaking pilgrims.  Pre-arrangements allowed this group to carry the statue of the Our Lady of Fatima in the procession.

Sites visited in Portugal included Alcobaca, Nazare, Sintra,Cascais, and Mass in Estoril.   A tour of the Royal Palace in Queluz and the Royal Coach Museum was on the itinerary before leaving Portugal for Italy.

Special days in Italy included Mass in the Basilica of St. Francis at the tomb of St. Francis. A visit to the Church of St. Clare and Mass in the Peace Chapel inspired the visit.  Mass and a visit to Santa Maria degli Angeli where St. Francis died ended the journey in this region before traveling on to the Cave of St. Michael in Mont S'ant Angelo.  San Giovanni Rotondo was the overnight stay.  The next day included Mass in the chapel where St. Pio celebrated Mass, viewing of the Saint's relics and tomb.  Finally, by special arrangements, the pilgrims visited the "English" room where a film of the "Daily Life of St. Padre Pio" was shown.  The pilgrims were allowed to make purchases and have them blessed with a St. Padre Pio relic.

Rome---Highlights included a visit to all 4 Major Basilicas, the Sistine Chapel and attendance at the Papal Audience where both groups were recognized in the acknowledgement announcements.  The group enjoyed an evening of entertainment at Tanagra Operetta Restaurant.  The last night in Rome, by special arrangement,  included Mass at the North American College where two seminarians from the Diocese of Little Rock attend. Andrew Hart and Josh Stengel.  The two escorted the group to a lookout point of the college to enjoy a magnificent view of Rome.  The seminarians then joined Monsignor Malone, Father Arnaud, and the pilgrims for dinner at a popular restaurant, Ponteficci, near the Vatican.

An excursion to Frascati Wine Country, with lunch, wine, and demonstration was the highlight of the day that took them also to Castel Gandolfo, the Papal summer palace.

The farewell to  Rome, signature of Fran Boudreaux's Rome pilgrimages, was Arriverderci Roma at the Trevi Fountain--of course, everyone threw coins in the masterpiece of gleaming waters in hopes of returning to the Eternal City.

Personally, for me, having participants from Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church and Monsignor Malone on this trip was the richest of  blessings in the  many years of  my pilgrimage dedication work.  They were inspiring and much fun.

Bob Honzik was instrumental in forming  the group from SHJ  that included members of the Knights of Columbus, council 10208.  Sheila Rhoades was in charge of the music for daily Mass and everyone was offered an opportunity to lector or lead prayers.

Fran Boudreaux, Planner, Custom Pilgrimages and Tour Director, Regina Catholic Pilgrimages .