Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

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Prayer List

  • Dennis Becker
  • Frank Benda
  • Richard Birzer
  • Rob Bower
  • Randy Bussone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Larry Gremillion
  • Bill Janser
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Rick Martinek
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Francis Pope
  • Richard Wille
Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.

Bob and Mary Anne Honzik have been working with the "Walking with Karen" project for over nine years.  During this time, they have not only given of themselves and their personal funds, but they have sought assistance from other sources as well, including Council 10208, which has had this project as one of its annual charitable beneficiaries.   Now that Karen will be completing her education, this effort is reaching closure with a final gift of $3,000, including the Council's donation of $1,000 from its Disabilities Campaign.  A letter of summation and heartfelt thanks received November 1 from Bob and Mary Anne follows:

Dear Fellow Knights -

Mary Anne and I write this letter to you with deep gratitude and sincere appreciation for all your prayers and financial support to Karen Mendoza over the past nine years.

Karen first came to us as a young girl of 11.  We have all watched her mature to the young lady of 20 who she is today.  She entered our lives as a physically challenged child, spoke no English and had never been exposed to the modern conveniences we all enjoy.  She was delighted with light switches and the fact we had light after the sun went down.  She had never bathed inside and never had a bed with a mattress.

The “by chance” meeting with Fr. Heinken, the extreme difficulty of getting her to America with all the paperwork involved in Honduras, her surprise appendicitis, the scheduling of her visits to coincide with her hospital visits in Shreveport and getting her back in time to not miss more than a week of school, were obstacles and grave concern for us.  All of our legal obligations had to be handled over the phone with the Honduran officials.  Paperwork needing to be completed on time was a great worry as her family needed to travel from her village in the mountains to LaPaz just to sign the papers for her trip.   It was a day's trek for them, and we always held our breath until we heard all had been handled.   The very fact that her loving parents sent her at age 11 to a country they did not know, did not speak the language, and did not know the people who would be caring for her is a testament to us of their strong faith. 

Our point is, from the very beginning, we felt God has a plan for Karen.  Everything we were concerned about was handled with ease.   Karen can walk, she is receiving a fine education, she lives with nuns at her school in Santa Clara, and is a very happy young lady.  She now has a chance at life and we know, with her faith, she realizes God is watching over her..   Her sister is now studying to be a nun, and Karen's village now enjoys fresh water for bathing and cooking due to Karen's visits to the United States.  We have no doubt that Karen will succeed as we have seen God working in her life this entire endeavor.

There are many needs throughout the world, and many right here in the United States.  Why we were all brought into Karen's life is something we can't answer.  We are just thankful that God used us as a tool to help Him mold a young girl's life.

Thanks to the Knights of Columbus Third Degree Council 10208 and interested friends and parishioners, we are forwarding our final check in the amount of $3,000.

Thank you.

Karen Mendoza
Bob and Mary Anne Honzik