Steve Schramer (left) and Bob Pfaffinger |
The Council welcomes three new members, two of whom recently went through the 1st Degree Exemplification in Little Rock and one reactivation. Steve Schramer from Seattle and Bob Pfaffinger from Minnesota are new knights, and Chuck Mac Donald was recently reactivated after having been a knight in Florida. Welcome to the Council!
Steve Schramer, Ray Peters, Bill Roe, Larry Stein |
Within a month eleven Council 10208 members advanced to the 3rd Degree, with seven at Conway and four at Fort Smith. The first group consisted of Jack Barrett, Tony Ciffeli, Tom DeVito, Ernest Folse, Larry Harness, Jim Jendro, and Rolland White. The second group included Steve Schramer, Ray Peters, Bill Roe, and Larry Stein. Congratulations to these knights upon advancing to the 2nd degree emphasizing unity and the 3rd degree focusing on fraternity.