The Council is supporting five seminarians for 2013-2014 under the RSVP Sponsorship Program.  Under the RSVP guidelines, the Council pays $500 directly to the seminarian, and it is awarded $100 for each from Supreme for a net expense of $400.  

The seminarians are as follows:
Guillermo Caballero   2017, I Theology, St Meinrad Seminary IN
Patrick Friend             2018, IV Philosophy, Holy Trinity Seminary, Irving TX
Jeff Hebert                  2018, II Pre-Theology, St Meinrad Semiary Seminary IN
Keith Higginbotham    2018, IV Philosophy, House of Formation, Little Rock AR
Karldy Isidor                2018, II Pre-Theology, St Meinard Seminary IN

Current photos and information about these seminarians are available on the Little Rock Diocese web site and can be obtained by clicking