May 2021 Family of the Month-Johnny & Linda Broome with GK Murray Claassen
May 2021 Family of the Month-Johnny & Linda Broome with GK Murray Claassen

Johnny & Linda Broome received the May Family of the Month Award for their continued activities in the Church and the Knights.

Linda is a long-time Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer that shares her 28 years of knowledge and skills teaching fitness to the parishioners of our church and any others that would like to live a healthier lifestyle.  For the past two years, she has taught exercises that increase flexibility, strength training, balance, hand-to-eye coordination which are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Two styles of Yoga are on Wednesdays, one being Stretch Yoga and the ever-popular Chair Yoga.  She also attends Faith and Wellness Ministry meetings. She said; "I enjoy helping others in any way that I can. When I teach my Senior Classes, it warms my heart to see all those smiling faces."

Johnny has been the PR Director for the past two years and will continue into the 2021-2022 fraternal year.  He primarily maintains the Council 10208 website articles and sends all the appropriate email blasts that are directed to him from Grand Knight Murray Claassen and other officers in the council.  He also volunteers when he can for the Kitchen crew, Flag setup and takedown, Usher, other activities and assists Rick Darnell when requested to help with the technology events and issues.