Jaimie and Susie Cardenas Feb Family of Month
Jaimie and Susie Cardenas Feb Family of Month
Please join us all in honoring Jamie and Susie Cardenas as our Febursary, 2016 Family of the Month for Council 10208!

Some of Jamie's many activities include, being a member of the Knights of Columbus and the Men's Club; serving at 8:00am mass; being a Euchristic Minister at 8:00am mass; participating as a Perpetual Adoration adorer; helping and serving dinners for different events; serving dinner at Samaritan Ministries; serving lunch at Jackson House; organizing and distributing Christmas toys and gifts for children at Jackson House; collecting donations for CPID; and, assisting with the Treasure Sale.

Susie is a member of the All Saints Guild within the Ladies of the Sacred Heart and participates in a number of activities, including: being an adorer in the Perpetual Adoration ministry; serving as a Eucharistic Minister at 8:00am mass; helping and serving dinners for events; serving dinner at Samaritan Ministries and lunch at Jackson House; organizing and distributing Christmas toys and gifts for children at Jackson House; and, working at the Treasure Sale.

Let us all congratulate Jamie and Susie for a job well done!