A New Fraternal Year is upon us.

Congratulations to our newly elected Grand Knights and Deputy Grand Knights, as well as all the other dedicated Brother Knights who will serve in either an elected or appointed leadership position in the coming year. I’m sure you have a list of goals and objectives that you intend to accomplish during the coming year. You have my assurance that I’m eager to help.

One of these goals is surely the attainment of the Star Council award - the most prestigious award the Order offers at the council level. I’m certainly committed to helping on the insurance side, but I’ll be glad to help on the membership side as well. If you know an eligible Catholic man who might be interested in joining the Order (and who among us doesn’t), he’s probably just waiting to be asked. I can help you, either by approaching him myself, or by “coaching” you – transferring sales skills that you can use to recruit him and other prospects.

As always, I’m at your service. Let’s get an early start on attaining those goals and objectives that are so critical to the growth of your council. Thanks to all the Brothers who helped their Council be successful during the last Fraternal Year.  Thanks to all of the Brothers who decided protection of their Family with Knights of Columbus Insurance.

I appreciate your business!

A Brother Knight helping You Protect You and Your Loved Ones!

Fraternally, Randy Schnoebelen, FICF AR Insurance Producers Lic #299098 I’m at 501-204-9486.

Call me – let’s talk