Not Another Salesman.  WAIT,  He’s one of US!!

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month.  To help educate consumers about the need for and value of adequate life insurance protection, the Life Insurance Market Research Association (LIMRA) has published the following five facts.  These statistics are certainly worth considering.

Fact 1:  Nearly 75 percent of North Americans agree that life insurance is the best way to protect against premature death of the primary wage earner.

Fact 2:  Twenty-four million households have no life insurance protection at all.  Almost one third of adults have no life insurance protection.

Fact 3:  Forty-four percent of all households either don’t own life insurance and believe they should, or own life insurance and believe they need more.  Among those that already own some life insurance, 40 percent believe they don’t have enough.

Fact 4:  One-fourth of primary wage earners feel they do not have a plan in place to provide a decent standard of living for their family if they died tomorrow.  Twelve percent of families would immediately have trouble meeting everyday living expenses and another 15 percent would have difficulty keeping up after several months.

Fact 5:  People would like to discuss life insurance with a qualified professional agent.  They believe that buying life insurance is an important and complex financial decision.  Half find it difficult to decide how much to buy, and 43 percent worry about making the wrong decision.

 As a qualified profession agent,  I’d like to meet with you in your home, at your convenience.  I’ll work with you to make sure your family is protected.  As a brother Knight you can trust, I’ll take the stress and worry out of the buying decision.

A Brother Knight Helping You, Help You and Your Loved Ones!!!

I’m at 501-204-9486  Call me – let’s talk.

Randy Schnoebelen, FICF
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