Why do we go to work every day? The answer is obvious, or is it? Yes, we have to make a living to feed and clothe ourselves and families. How much thought have you put into your future?  How about retirement savings and protection from now ‘till then?  How much do I need besides my social security benefits to still be self sufficient?

Have you done everything that you need to do to secure your future?  Yes. No.  I am working on that.  I just have not had time to work out all the details.  Gosh, I just have too many other things pressing me right now, but I will eventually get it done. 

Do you have a will?

I’m working as hard as I can! What else can I do? 

Well, brother Knights of Columbus, we have begun a new year, but we have not done all the things that we need to do to secure our futures.  Is it better to get started now and do a little bit rather than doing nothing? Of course it is.

Do you believe in the Knights of Columbus? Of course you do, or you would not be a member.  Now is the time to plan.  Secure your future with a Knights of Columbus Insurance POLICY. Save for your retirement with a Knights of Columbus Annuity.

And everyone, let’s make out that WILL, so that you decide what happens to you and your family’s estate, not the State.



Randy Schnoebelen, FICF