NOVEMBER is Long Term Awareness Month

Q. I've heard about nursing home insurance and how expensive it is. 
A. Actually paying 20 years of premiums could be less than the one-year cost of a nursing home. 

Q. I think I'm better off financially if I self-insure myself.
A. You may want to rethink this. Look what happens to the markets. If you had a million dollars in principal, this would generate $50,000 income. Cost of care could be $50,000 to $125,000 a year, depending on where you live. Where would you find the additional funds without getting into your principal? 

Q. Am I missing something, because I hear more people are buying LTCi?
A. Yes, especially with the market like it is. One must be able to protect one’s assets and income. 

Call me and I can answer your Questions!!! 

A Brother Knight Helping You Help You and Your Loved Ones. 

Randy Schnoebelen, FICF
Knights of Columbus Field Agent