Five new 3rd Degree members at the February 2 meeting with Recruitment Director Mike Welch (l-r): Pedro Bonilla, Jack Wallisch, Mike, Deacon John Froning, Phil Stephenson, and Billy Jones.
Of the 57 Arkansas knight candidates participating in the 2nd/3rd Degree Exemplification hosted by Grand Knight Dennis Bosch and the Hot Springs Counccil 6419 on January 30, ten were from the local council.  They include Pedro Bonilla, Greg Davis, Don Dierks, John Froning, Bill Jones, John Meyers, Frank Morgan, Phil Stephenson, Terry Theisen, and Jack Wallisch.

Congratulations, knights, for your participation and for earning these two very significant unity and fraternity degrees.  Best wishes as you work with your brother knights in advancing the council's goals.